Revelation 13:1-4 – Waxer Tipton (One Love Ministries)

We learn about the beast that comes from the sea, the antichrist, the 2nd part of the unholy trinity. Satan is a deceiver and will always try to mimic the things of God, including His death & resurrection. However, the biggest difference is that Satan will let you die for him, whereas Jesus died for us! Don’t be deceived, know the difference, and choose this day whom you will serve!

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Revelation 12:1-6 – Waxer Tipton (One Love Ministries)

“Enter the (red) dragon” – We are introduced to the first three symbolic characters of chapter 12: the woman = Israel, the red dragon = Satan, & the male child = Jesus Christ. Ever since Satan was kicked out of heaven, he has been warring against God ever since…and especially with the Jews since they are central to God’s plan. Through the scriptures we see that Satan is not to be underestimated or overrated, but that God is large and in charge and has a plan!

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Easter 2014 – Waxer Tipton (One Love Ministries)

Luke 24:1-11 – “A Revelation of Unanswered Prayer”
The disciples asked for a miracle, for Jesus to be delivered, but their prayers seemed to go “unanswered” when He was crucified. They weren’t expecting or praying for a resurrection, but the Lord was! Easter Sunday reveals the unexpected! What does God have in store for you that’s unexpected? He is the God of the miraculous!

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Revelation 6:9-17 – Waxer Tipton (One Love Ministries)

“Bad News Bearers – Pt. 2”
On Palm Sunday, Jesus’ Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem, God was saying to the world, “This is my Lamb…will you choose Him?” But they did not recognize Him because they didn’t know their Scriptures. Will the world today recognize Jesus and choose to be spared from God’s wrath and judgment to come? Life has many choices, eternity has two…What’s yours?

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Revelation 3:14-22 – Waxer Tipton (One Love Ministries)

The Church of Laodicea – the only church that Jesus had no word of commendation for. He rebuked them for being “lukewarm” and not taking God seriously. They were self-righteous and deceived. But the reason Jesus was so hard on them was because the loved them and wanted them to open their hearts and repent. What are our priorities? Are we on fire?

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