Joel 1:14-20 – Waxer Tipton (One Love Ministries)

One of the greatest temptations Christians face is to avert our eyes from the person of Jesus and place them on the things of Jesus – His doctrine, His people, His word, His mission. This is a great temptation because there is absolutely nothing wrong with any of these things. In fact, without serious attention to them we could not be His disciples. They are essential.

The fallacy that trips us up is our focus on these things as objective apart from living fellowship with the person of Jesus. We end up with zeal for a cause, but no fellowship with the spirit behind the cause. Jesus doesn’t call His disciples by saying “Follow My teachings,” or “Follow My example,” or “Follow My reasoning.” It is always personal. “Follow Me.”

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Call to Fall 2015 – Waxer Tipton (One Love Ministries)

As our nation gets further and further away from the Lord and the Constitution, let’s be reminded of the great spiritual truths that America was founded on and the wisdom of our forefathers. We must not be silent, but do our part as citizens, which as the Bible tells us, is to humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and repent, so that God Almighty can heal our land and bring revival!

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