Acts 5:12-29

The purging of sin and hypocrisy in Ananias and Sapphira from the church, brought about purity, which allowed for God's power, which resulted in multitudes being saved and healed. The early church knew who God was. Do we? Will we be able to stand and say like the apostles, "We must obey God rather than [...]

Acts 5:11 Pt.2

A deeper look into the lesson of Ananias and Sapphira teaches us: 1) That hypocrisy kills our witness, joy, peace and love  2) Satan always keeps his victims in the dark  3) When we sin, we invariable hurt others. Sin kills, but Jesus saves, loves, and lives! Sermon Notes

Acts 4:25-5:11

When the early church was in one accord, with one heart & soul, stewarding and not owning their possessions, there was great power and abundant grace! A man named Joseph sold his property and and gave the money to the church; however, Ananias and Sapphira tried to do the same, but lied and withheld some [...]

Acts 4:13-30

The Council of religious leaders tried to forbid Peter and John from speaking in the name of Jesus, but the apostles responded that they couldn't stop speaking about what they saw and heard. What about us? They depth of our friendship with Jesus will be revealed by our willingness to stand with Him in times [...]

Acts 4:1-12

Peter, John and the healed lame man were thrown into prison by the Sadducees for proclaiming the name of Jesus for healing and salvation, but thousands of bystanders believed and were saved! Sometimes bad things happen to good people... Are we going to be more concerned about rejection and suffering, than salvation? Sermon Notes

Acts 3:10-26

After John and Peter healed the lame man at the Beautiful Gate, the people were amazed and began to congregate. Peter realized he had an opportunity to preach, so he gave the same as he did before - "Repent therefore and return, that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing [...]