A Child is Born

The best gift is one that we need, and Christmas is about understanding the need. Like Nicodemus, we must understand that we need to be born again to see that the Kingdom of God is a person (Jesus), a place (heaven), and a thing (His Reign). Sermon Notes

Acts 11:25-30

After Barnabas found Saul, they went and taught in Antioch. It was there that the disciples were first called "Christians" (little copies of Christ). It was also from Antioch that the Gentile Christians broke down walls with the Jewish Christians by demonstrating God's love and grace through their giving. Sermon Notes

Acts 11:1-24

The Holy Spirit repeats the message God gave Peter in chapter 10 - "What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy." But unfortunately, as we see then and now, tradition is sometimes the hardest thing to break. Let's have the heart of Peter and say, "...who was I that I could stand in God's way?" [...]