Intro to Mark

Mark’s story is full of failures, shame, rejection, and second chances. But his story was redeemed, not just by God, but by Barnabus — an encourager. We all need a Barnabus in our life.

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Out of Context Part 4

We are of one race, nation, and people: chosen. God has called us out of the darkness and into his magnificent light. Sermon Notes

Out of Context Part 4

We are of one race, nation, and people: chosen. God has called us out of the darkness and into his magnificent light. Listen to Audio Sermon Notes

Out of Context Part 3

1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us that because the Lord is faithful, we will not be tempted beyond what we are able. How often it gets misconstrued to "God won't give you more than you can handle." It would better be stated as "Whatever God brings you to, He will bring you through." Sermon Notes

Out of Context Part 2

Philippians 4:13 is another commonly misused verse throughout Christianity. We cannot accomplish all our own personal goals through Christ, but we can accomplish all He has called for us through Him Sermon Notes

Out of Context

Jeremiah 29:11 is one of the most commonly misused verses in the Bible. What does God mean when He says he has plans to prosper and not to harm? Let's dive in to the context of this verse and the prophecies of Jeremiah. Sermon Notes