Mark 4:35-41

Mark here has really given his readers a powerful proclamation. It can't just be brushed aside! Who Alone but God has such Power and Compassion? Sermon Notes


As we recently were reminded, Jesus style was to speak through parables which He Adapted to "Their Levels" of Understanding… I  love that… farmers, fishermen, scribes… and the same is true today. Sermon Notes

Mark 4:21-25

Today we'll be in Mark 4:21-25. Let's lean in to see how Jesus uses 3 key things to give us greater understanding of his Word spoken in the parable of the 4 soils and continuing into verses 21-25; And these 3 keys apply universally to understanding God's Word. Sermon Notes

God’s Got You Mom

God's got you mom! In the time of her trouble, trial, and difficulty, she gave what she could to someone else… we can see why the Lord chose this widow in 1 Kings 17. Sermon Notes