Psalm 49

Someone once said, “We can’t take our money with us, but we can send it ahead.” We can use our resources for missions and ministry, to further proclaim and advance the Gospel. Sermon Notes

Psalm 48

Go through and inspect, admire, adore, the works of God. Look at the church that God has built, the Church as a whole. Consider how many testimonies, stories of victory, deliverance, hope, there are. How many answered prayers and prayers we’re glad God didn’t answer! Sermon Notes

Freedom Pt. 2

Paul has preached the gospel to them but they’ve fallen prey to finding their righteousness in other things. The gospel is the good news of freedom from the law and sin, freedom from earning our righteousness! Sermon Notes

New Year’s Eve 2022

As we go through our scriptures we will be highlighting this abundant life that God has designed for His children; To be free from the cares of this world, the opinions of others, the economy, or any other earthly thing. Sermon Notes


Join us on this New Years day as Kahu Waxer shares with us the theme for the new year, Freedom! Sermon Notes